In 2022, I had the privilege of capturing the essence of the Well-being conference hosted by the National Academy for Educational Leadership. Through a collection of thoughtfully crafted sketchnote posters, I visually distilled the entirety of this event, spotlighting the imperative theme of well-being within educational leadership.
With a fusion of eloquent quotes, essential insights, and my illustrative expertise, these posters serve as a comprehensive encapsulation of the conference's discourse. They resonate as invaluable keepsakes for those who engaged with the event, offering an avenue to revisit its profound offerings and extend the learning experience.
The AGAA's stature as a national academy for education in Wales adds weight to this collaboration, given their commitment to advancing educational ideals. Their collaboration was marked by excellence and a shared dedication to promoting well-being in the education system.
Furthermore, these posters are not only cherished mementos but also potent tools for sharing on social media. Their insightful content and visually captivating nature make them an ideal medium for disseminating the conference's key takeaways to a broader audience, amplifying the impact of this important conversation.